Thursday, June 10, 2010


All praises to Allah.

Ghazhali looked into his contemporary social conditions and drew reasons to come up with such a book - revival of the religion.

He criticizes the then scholars who should have been the inheritors of prophets. Criticized about the monetary line they took.

Knowledge had been considered to be one of the three things - Fatwa made by judge, the expertise in logical reasoning in-order to sideline an opponent and the command in elocution.

In his book, Ghazhali wanted to explain about the true knowledge.

The contents of the book are worship practices, ethics and etiquette, reasons for the self destruction and the ways to survive from it. He will explain about "ilmul-muamala", but forbidden to reveal "ilmul-mukaashafa". "Ilmul muamala" is all about knowledge and its practice.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


"I believe in God"
"I love Allah"

Hypocrite?? Anyone can sense the traces of hypocrisy here ??

Being in that state how about acting on the tenets of religion. How about becoming a contestant for the public election in its banner.

Here by this blog, I "try" to follow Ghazzali's IHYA. Previous posting on IHYA 1 & 2.

Why Ghazzali ? He had mastered his mind - that is exactly opposite to being a hypocrite. And also he is a follower of Islam - read the above given quoted statements.